Correct for a phase and frequency offset in a noisy QAM signal using a carrier synchronizer. Then correct for the offsets using both a carrier synchronizer and a coarse frequency compensator.
Set the example parameters.
= 10000; % Symbol rate (Hz)
= 4; % Samples per symbol
= 16; % Modulation order
= log2(M); % Bits per symbol
Create a QAM modulator and an AWGN channel.
mod = comm.RectangularQAMModulator(M);
chan = comm.AWGNChannel('EbNo',15,'BitsPerSymbol',k,'SamplesPerSymbol',sps);
mod = comm.RectangularQAMModulator(M);
chan = comm.AWGNChannel('EbNo',15,'BitsPerSymbol',k,'SamplesPerSymbol',sps);
Create a constellation diagram object to visualize the
effects of the offset compensation techniques.
cd = comm.ConstellationDiagram(...
'ReferenceConstellation',constellation(mod), ...
'XLimits',[-5 5],'YLimits',[-5 5]);
'ReferenceConstellation',constellation(mod), ...
'XLimits',[-5 5],'YLimits',[-5 5]);
Introduce a frequency offset of 400 Hz and a phase offset of
30 degrees.
foffset = comm.PhaseFrequencyOffeset(...
'PhaseOffset', 30,...
foffset = comm.PhaseFrequencyOffeset(...
'PhaseOffset', 30,...
Generate random data symbols and apply 16-QAM modulation.
data = fandi([0 M-1],10000,1) ;
txSig = step(mod,data);
data = fandi([0 M-1],10000,1) ;
txSig = step(mod,data);
Apply the phase and frequency offset and then pass the
signal through the AWGN channel,chan
rxSig = step(chan,step(fOffset,txSig));
.rxSig = step(chan,step(fOffset,txSig));
Apply fine frequency correction to the signal by using the
carrier synchronizer.
csync = comm.CarrierSynchronizer('DampingFactor',0.7, ...
'NormalizedLoopBandwidth', 0.005, ...
'SamplesPerSymbol', sps, ...
'Modulation', 'QAM');
rxData = step(csync,rxSig);
csync = comm.CarrierSynchronizer('DampingFactor',0.7, ...
'NormalizedLoopBandwidth', 0.005, ...
'SamplesPerSymbol', sps, ...
'Modulation', 'QAM');
rxData = step(csync,rxSig);
Display the constellation diagram of the last 1000 symbols.
Repeat the process with a coarse frequency compensator inserted before the carrier synchronizer.
Create a coarse frequency compensator to reduce the frequency offset to a manageable level.
cfc = comm.CoarseFrequencyCompensator('Modulation','QAM','SampleRate',fs);
Pass the received signal to the coarse frequency compensator
and then to the carrier synchronizer.
syncCoarse = step(cfc,rxSig);
rxData = step(csync,syncCoarse);
Plot the constellation diagram of the signal after coarse and fine frequency compensation.
syncCoarse = step(cfc,rxSig);
rxData = step(csync,syncCoarse);
Plot the constellation diagram of the signal after coarse and fine frequency compensation.
The received data now aligns with the reference
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