MTCMOS logic is effective standby leakage control technique, but difficult to implement since sleep transistor sizing is highly dependent on discharge pattern within the circuit block. They showed dual Vt domino logic avoids the sizing difficulties and inherent performance associated with MTCMOS. High Vt cells are used where leakage has to be prevented whereas low Vt cells are employed where speed is of concern. Both cells are effectively used in MTCMOS technique.
In active mode of operation the high Vt transistors are turned off and the logic gates consisting of low Vt transistors can operate with low switching power dissipation and smaller propagation delay. In standby mode the high Vt transistors are turned off thereby cutting off the internal low Vt circuitry.
Variable Threshold CMOS (VTCMOS)
of the efficient methods to reduce power consumption is to use low
supply voltage and low threshold voltage without loosing speed
performance. But increase in the lower threshold voltage devices leads
to increased sub threshold leakage and hence more standby power
consumption. Variable Threshold CMOS (VTCMOS) devices are one solution
to this problem. In VTCMOS technique threshold voltage of the low
threshold devices are varied by applying variable substrate bias voltage
from a control circuitry.
VTCMOS technique is very effective technique to reduce the power consumption with some drawbacks with respect to manufacturing of these devices. VTCMOS requires either twin well or triple well technology to achieve different substrate bias voltage levels at different parts of the IC. The area overhead of the substrate bias control circuitry is negligible. [1]
threshold voltage without loosing speed performance. But increase inthe lower threshold voltage devices leads to increased subthresholdleakage and hence more standby power consumption.Variable Threshold CMOS (VTCMOS) devices are one solution to thisproblem. In VTCMOS technique threshold voltage of the low thresholddevices are varied by applying variable substrate bias voltage from acontrol circuitry.
VTCMOS technique is very effective technique to reduce the power consumption with some drawbacks related to manufacturing of these devices. VTCMOS requires either twin well or triple well technology to
achieve different substrate bias voltage levels at different parts of the IC. The area overhead of the substrate bias control circuitry is negligible.
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